Hey, I'm Caro. 
Before I was even born, Barbara Nokes introduced my mantra in her iconic Levi’s ad.
 “When the world zigs, zag.”
Sure, it’s bold to claim BBH’s tagline as my own, but honestly, this has been a common theme throughout my life. My parents call me their rebel without a cause.
When my mom said I was a “righty,” I started doing things with my left hand. 
When my teacher told me I lacked coordination, I took up ballet. 
You get the point. I love a good challenge. And I’m not afraid to break some norms and try something new. See, just broke a grammar rule...
Every single idea in this portfolio either has some sort of rebellious touch or pushes the limits of the brief given - even "Made in Fukushima."
We took on a project most wouldn’t dare to. We stood up for a group of farmers who had been shunned around the world to show that they weren’t lying. Their rice was safe. 
I always choose the road less traveled. I love to read between the lines of my briefs and create something bold and new. 
Most importantly, I try my best to surround myself with colleagues and clients who zag instead of zig too. I didn’t do these projects on my own. I joined teams of mavericks: people who questioned, “Why?” before they took on any challenge. 
Want to chat? Let me know at thecarosoto@gmail.com and let's Zoom or grab a coffee.